Discussion session on financial and investment policies
19-06-2019On Wednesday 19/6/2019, Jordan Strategy Forum hosted H.E. Dr. Rajai Muasher - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State, and H.E. Dr. Ezzidin Kanakrieh - Minister of Finance; in a discussion session on Financial and Investment Policies, and Ways to Stimulate Growth & Sustain Stability. JSF members and representatives of the economic sector in Jordan attended the discussion. The event was sponsored by Ahli Bank, Jordanian Duty Free Shops, Ernst and Young and Pepsi.

Brainstorming Session to discuss the Tourism Sector in Jordan
16-06-2019Jordan Strategy Forum held a brainstorming session on the tourism sector in Jordan: challenges and opportunities, with JSF members and a number of stakeholders to discuss the prospects of growth and development in the sector.

Round Table Discussion With The IMF Mission
16-06-2019As part of the visit of an IMF mission to Jordan to discuss the financial and economic reform program, a team of IMF experts led by Mr. Martin Cerisola met with the Jordanian Strategy Forum to discuss the impact of the program on the Jordanian economy.

JSF Joins The Euro-Mediterranean Network For Economic Studies (EMNES) As An Associate Partner
29-05-2019Jordan Strategy Forum has joined The Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES) as an Associate Partner.

Inspirational Speaker Series” Session For Dr Faris Braizat At Princess Sumayya University for Technology
13-05-2019Jordan Strategy Forum hosted Dr. Fares Braizat – Chairman of NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions, as part of the “Inspirational Speaker Series” sessions. Dr. Fares shared his experience, discussed with the students the challenges in the labor market and how to overcome them, and exchanged with the students different views.

Focus Group Meeting To Discuss The Findings Of The “Jordan Active Labor Market Project” By The World Bank
01-05-2019JSF held a Focus Group Meeting for the World Bank representatives with JSF members to discuss the draft report for the Job Readiness and Placement Component of the Government of Jordan/World Bank Project “Support to Building Active Labor Market Programs” The World Bank team presented the results of the findings of the evaluation of the Job Readiness and Placement Program (JRPP), and discussed with JSF members their views on the report.