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Focus Group Meeting to discuss the second draft of the Startup Act


Jordan Strategy Forum held a focus group meeting to discuss the second draft of the Startup Act Initiative, following the comments provided by participants in the previous meeting. H.E Mr. Mothanna Gharaibeh – Minister of ICT- along with representatives of the J-Core attended the session and agreed with the legal team on the next action items to prepare the final draft.

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Round Table Discussion on the Construction, Engineering and Housing (CEH) Cluster


Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) held a round table discussion with key stakeholders from the private and public sectors to discuss the Construction, Engineering and Housing (CEH) Cluster in Jordan. Participants discussed potential initiatives necessary to enhance the efficiency of the cluster and increase its export opportunities at the regional and international level.

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Focus Group Meeting on the Tourism Sector


Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) held a focus group meeting with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism – H.E. Issa Gammoh, representatives from the Jordan Tourism Board and a number of private sector stakeholders to discuss the tourism sector in Jordan. The meeting focused heavily on creating an action plan to harness the strategic opportunities the sector faces, and conversely, highlighted areas of weakness and how to rectify them. JSF will publish an inclusive report with all the comments and recommendations.

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Focus Group Meeting on the Energy Sector


Jordan Strategy Forum held a focus group meeting to discuss the Energy Sector in Jordan with key stakeholders from the private sector, primarily focusing on how to promote this promising sector and potential projects to be introduced.

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Focus Group Meeting to discuss the first draft of the Startup Act


Jordan Strategy Forum held a focus group meeting to discuss the first draft of the “Startup Act”, in which the JSF Legal Team presented their perspective on how the new framework for the startup act should look like. H.E Mr. Mothanna Gharaibeh – Minister of ICT- along with representatives of the J-Core attended the session and provided their comments and recommendations.

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Jordan Strategy Forum And The European Union Host Commissioner Hahn


Jordan Strategy Forum and the European Union organized a discussion session entitled “Jordan’s Reform Plan: A Private Sector Perspective”. On the occasion of the High-level Mission visit to Jordan of the EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn and key European and International Financial Institutions (AFD, EBRD, EIB, IFC, IMF, KfW, WB and DFID).

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